Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Saving a Runner's Life

Saving a Runner's Life

After reading the story above, I realized something very important. I realized that sometimes I am too selfish when I run. For instance, there have been numerous times where a driver would see me running, pull over, and ask me for directions and I would completely ignore the driver. "Listen buddy", I would say in my head, "I'm training here. I can't stop my training because you're lost." But after reading this story it made me rethink my position. I realize now that running is a gift. Not everyone can run. What made me deserve the ability to run. What made that guy with no legs not deserve the ability to run. The answer is nothing. This is just how we were created. It's nothing I did for myself that gave me the ability to run. By realizing this, I see that ignoring drivers looking for directions, not picking up something a lady just dropped on the sidewalk, or not assisting that old lady across the street, who can barely walk, all because I "need" to train is one of the most selfish things I could do. Maybe I should realize that I been given I great gift through no effort of my own. I have no right to not do the right thing and help people even if it means stopping my training for a few minutes.

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