Thursday, August 6, 2009

The running blog of the week: The Road to Wright-Patt

Click here for the blog of the week.

The Road to Wright-Patt is a blog that I find very interesting. Not only because it's a blog about running, but because the author is very detailed and is clearly a very dedicated runner. I have great respect for runners such as this author. Take a look through his blog which is about his training for an upcoming half marathon and you will soon see someone who has a goal and is doing the hard work that it takes to reach such a goal. One thing I like so much about following this blog is that the author details exactly how he feels during each stage of his training and often he reports feelings that I myself go through in my training. It's somewhat encouraging to know others go through the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that your blog is up and "running"! Thanks for the kind words and I look forward to following your blog!
